Monday, November 24, 2008

Top 10 Ways the Lord has blessed me in 2008....

10. A nice house, that although it seems as if it's falling apart around me and is in constant need of's nice, it belongs to us, and it is sufficent for my family. It has seen Matt and I get married, go through Matt's career changes and struggles, bring home 2 brand new babies and watched them grow. It's our home and will always be. Thank you, Lord.

9. For the opportunity to be somewhat of a stay at home Mom. I love spending time with my kids. I begged the Lord for this job as soon as I got married and 4 yrs. ago He saw fit to give it to me. It's a lot harder than I ever thought it would be. I never knew the constant work that it involved but I'm so privileged to do it.

8. A part-time job that I sooooo love. I love teaching preschool. I've always wanted to be a teacher and this job helps me scratch that itch. It's taught me so many lessons and afforded me the ability to make some lifelong friends.

7. The fact that my kids get to go to preschool with me - for free! That's a huge blessing. They learn so much from at the preschool. They've had so many wonderful and caring teachers and made tons of friends.

6. Gracie's school! I have no idea where she would be without it. I'm so thankful there is a program like PPCD in this great state of Texas that allows young children go to school and get the help they need to develop properly and prepare for Kindergarten.

5. Gracie's awesome, sweet, and loving teacher! I'm thankful for her loving attitude she has and that she realizes that children learn best when they feel loved and comforted. She is a great teacher to Gracie and a huge part of my support system. I couldn't have picked a better person for this role in our lives. Thanks, Ruth!

4. Zade's "too-big for his britches" personality. With his independent attitude - it allows Gracie and I to have some one on one time to work on things she's trying to learn. His low maintenance makes up for Gracie's not quite as low maintenance.

3. Gracie's major sucesses this year. My previous posts have explained all of her progress but it bears repeating. She is growing up so fast before my eyes that it pains me to think about it. I'm so proud of all the hard work she's put in to get where she's at now. One day all of these learning struggles will be a distant memory but the work ethic she's developing will last a lifetime.

2. My friends! I have the greatest friends ever! They keep me sane and grounded. I don't know what I would do without them. I love you girls!

1. My wonderful, awesome, sweet, and handsome hunk of burnin' love, Matt! He is such an awesome support to me. He keeps me on track when I need it and throws me off track when I need to loosen up! He's a great Daddy to our babies and loves his kids so much. He's a hard worker and dedicated to his job. I love him more and more each day.

1 comment:

The Stevenson Family said...

I love the new scrapbooking tool. It is soooo much better than shutterfly. I have been working on it all afternoon.